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Why People Are Denied Entry to Canada

Thousands of people each year look to Canada for travel and to access opportunities that may otherwise elude them in their homeland. Although Canada is extremely welcoming to those looking to experience its great resources, the simple truth is not all will be granted access into its borders.

People can be denied entry to Canada for various different reasons. The reasons can range from:

  • Not having the appropriate documentation
  • Having a medical condition
  • A past criminal conviction such as a DUI
  • And more…

It can be a very frustrating experience especially after traveling a long distance along with the cost of travel. However, there are options available for you. It is not the end of the road after you have been declined entry to the country. 

It is important to retain the expertise of a immigration professional to increase you chances of a successful appeal. The legal process can be a daunting matter and without such counsel to aid, it would be easy for anyone to get lost in the red tape.

How to Get Temporary Residence in Canada

An immigration applicant may have an application rejected for reasons such as health problems or a criminal record. For people in this situation, it can be a big problem, especially if they want to visit relatives. They will wonder how to get temporary residence in Canada.

Luckily, they can apply for a Temporary Residence Permit, which will allow them into the country even though the permit is not a path to permanent residency.

However, knowing about this option is a far cry from having the professional experience to successfully apply for the permit. With Canadian law being complex and changing over time, your best path to success is through an immigration professional.

Different levels of government may have to be satisfied in order to make the request viable, and different reasons for rejection require different solutions; overcoming refusal of entry over incomplete documentation on an application is a completely separate ordeal from dealing with a criminal charge back home.

Your nation of birth itself may be an issue too. There are too many issues for laymen to address, which is why consulting an immigration professional is crucial to getting temporary residency.

What a Temporary Resident Permit is?

A Temporary Resident Permit (also called a “TRP”) allows one to enter Canada under the status of either a visitor, student or worker. In a case where you have been deemed to be inadmissible, a Temporary Resident Permit would allow an individual to enter the country.

You may be deemed inadmissible for the same reasons why you were denied entry to the country such as, not having the appropriate documentation, having a medical condition or past criminal record.

If you have a past criminal conviction, My Visa Source can conduct a criminality assessment and determine whether or not you would be inadmissible to enter Canada. After your criminality assessment, we may determine that you are eligible for a criminal rehabilitation application.

A positive result on such an application would clear the criminal inadmissibility issue which prevents you from entering Canada. But, such a results can only be arrived at through expert experience.

In a case where you are inadmissible, My Visa Source can put together a case for a temporary resident permit for you. If you are concerned prior to your travels about whether or not you are admissible to enter the country, the licensed professionals at our immigration firm can first conduct a criminality assessment and then prepare an application package which you can present when you enter Canada to an immigration officer.

However, you must be aware that there is no guarantee that the application will be approved if you present it in person when you enter a Canadian port of entry.

You also must be from a visa exempt country in order to make a in person application for a TRP. By making an application in person, there is always the risk of having it declined and having to go back home.

In an ideal situation, a Temporary Residence Permit case would be submitted well before you plan to enter Canada to ensure that you receive a decision prior to your travels.

What to ask a licensed Canadian immigration professional about TRP permits and being refused entry to Canada

Not all immigration professionals are created equal.   We at My Visa Source have often noticed that Refused Entry to Canada appeals are rejected because the right questions were not discussed.

Here are some very important questions you want to ask any person you are planning on hiring to help you with your Denied Entry to Canada appeal:

  • What are the requirements I must meet to apply for a Criminal Rehabilitation application?
  • If I am approved for a Temporary Resident Permit, how long is it valid for?
  • I learned that I may be inadmissible after I entered the country, now what do I do?
  • I have been able to enter Canada on a number of different occasions, why was I decided entry this time?

The immigration professional should have no problems answer those important questions for you.

Why Contact Us For An Assessment?

Congratulations on taking your first step toward living in Canada. The more research you do on the immigration process, the more you will learn about your specific situation and how we can help you navigate through the Temporary Residence Permit process.

Our Lawyers dedicate themselves to your immigration case, providing legal representation tailored to your personal situation. Our expertise focuses on immigration and visa programs for Canada and the United States, including global immigration.

Immigration is a complex process that requires strong legal strategy, precise paperwork and perfect attention to detail, reducing the risk of wasted time, money or permanent rejection.

Begin Your Application For Temporary Residence Permit Today

We have a dedicated team of licensed professionals standing by, ready to answer your immigration and visa questions.

Book a personal consultation to speak with our immigration lawyer over the phone